Originally released in Japan in 2006, Chaos Wars is a strategy role-playing game featuring characters from multiple game franchises. Thirty-six protagonists from such titles as Shadow Hearts, Growlanser, Gungrave, and Generation of Chaos have united against a common threat. Players will assemble a party of heroes to engage in turn-based battles against a variety of monsters. A key feature in Chaos Wars is the ability to freely move characters within a circular area instead of a fixed number of squares or spaces, as is typical of the genre. A menu display lets players issue commands to attack, cast magic, or use items until the battle is won.
Genre: | RPG |
Release Month: | 9 |
Release Year: | 2006 |
Developer: | Idea Factory |
Publisher: | Idea Factory |
Serial: | SLPM-66553 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |